Webster Cover

Webster Cover

Monday, September 12, 2016

Sprains & Strains

It is oftentimes hard to determine what type of injury you have sustained. Most often, sprains or strains of muscles occur. A Southfield Michigan podiatrist such as Dr. Wendy Webster can examine you fully and determine which injury you have and how to treat it properly. Proper treatment can lead to faster and more successful healing.

About Sprains & Strains
A sprain is a tear or a stretch of a ligament. A ligament is a connective tissue band that joins the bones together. These ligaments help to support the joints. For example, the knee ligament connects the upper leg and the lower leg, which allows for running and walking. A sprain typically occurs because of trauma that knocks the joint out of position, ruptures the ligaments or overstretches it. Symptoms of a sprain include: bruising, swelling, inflammation and pain. Oftentimes a tear or a pop is heard during this injury. In some severe cases, the joint can become nonfunctional.

A strain is an injury of either a tendon or a muscle. These tendons are tissue cords that attach the muscles themselves to the bone. Chronic strains occur because of repetitive movements over time of either the muscles or tendons. When an individual doesn’t break enough during intense training, a strain can occur. Symptoms of a strain include muscle spasms, swelling, inflammation, cramping, muscle weakness, and pain. With severe strains, the tendons or muscles can become ruptures.

A professional podiatrist can help determine which injury one has and can treat it accordingly. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Wendy Webster today, call 248-864-8845.

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